“Fascynujące kalmie”
(“Fascinating Kalmie”)
Julia Westhoff, Karl-Heinz Hübbers
ISBN: 978-83-956964-0-4
“Fascinating Kalmie” is the first, not only in Polish dendrological literature, such extensive publication devoted to the genus Kalmia. “Until now, the only comprehensive work devoted to this species was the English-language publication by Dr. Richard A. Jaynes from the United States … The popularity and number of cultivars of kalmia is increasing significantly, which motivated a group of European lovers and breeders of kalmia to create an up-to-date publication.”
The book shows the decorative values of these plants, introduces the cultivation requirements, and shows the possibilities of integrating them into the garden. Professional descriptions of types of kalmia with beautiful photos and a catalog of numerous varieties make this publication unique! A position worth recommending to a wide range of readers, from dendrologists and growers-gardeners to amateurs – home garden owners.
The book is published in Polish language. Available soon in English.